Blue, in black & White

The Pokémon Special manga is without a doubt the most adult version of the Pokémon series. The Special tells a more mature version of Pokémon where Team Rocket injects Pokémon with steroids and the trainers are in constant danger of being killed. The manga is divided in the several "versions" that follow the same title scheme as the games. Each version has a new set of characters who resemble the trainers from that generation's game.

Basics on Blue

Information on Blue that can be learned from a precursory glance at his character. This section includes information on both Blue and his party and deals with the surface layer of his character.

Blue, an Analysis

Blue is one of the most important characters in the manga so it should come as no surprise that there is a lot of depth to his character. In order to understand the Blue of the manga, you have to look beyond his anime & game counterparts.


As one of the chosen ones, Blue has made friends across the world. Blue shares a bond with so many trainers, however some are closer to him than others. These trainers hold the key to getting past his cold exterior.