Blue is one of the best Pokémon Trainers in the manga. He raises his Pokémon in order to make them strong in battle and was given the title of "trainer" among the Pokédex Holders in the Pokémon Special manga (Red is a Fighter, Yellow is a Healer, etc.). Blue is the only trainer who can even come close to matching Red's skills and is often considered to be much stronger than the other Pokédex holders (with the exception of Red).
Name: Blue Oak
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Pallet Town, Kanto Region
Birth Date: November 22nd
Blood Type: AB
Age: 11 (RGB), 13(Y), 14(GSC), 16(RSE)
Ranking: 2nd, Pokémon League Championship
Position: Viridian City Gym Leader
Title: Pokémon Trainer
The manga describes him as the following: Red's number one rival and best friend. He was the 1st Runner Up in the 9th Pokémon League Championship and is on par with Red in terms of battle skills. Blue is also the grandson of the famous Professor Oak. He has a sister called Daisy. Always calm and collected, especially during battles. No one can best Blue's ability to read an opponent's mind, or sense the flow of battle.